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Privacy Policy
The terms of this document will be interpreted according to the regulations of the State of Israel only. In any case of conflict, legal proceedings will occur in the appointed court in the Tel Aviv district and the appointed court will discuss it in accordance to the Israeli regulations alone.
The following privacy policy will apply to the add-on along with any changes, updates, add-ons or deletions, that will occur occasionally according to the sole discretion of the owners, in a published message (“The Changes”). Continuous usage of the add-on after the implementation of the changes above will be regarded as an agreement to the updated terms, unless they conflict with cogent terms (that cannot be changed) of the Israeli law.
The Add-on’s Activity
The add-on fowards consumption related emails that are received by the user in their Gmail inbox to Shop Analytics Ltd. It will do so relying on keywords that exist in the contents of the e-mail, such as: invoice, receipt, purchase, etc. The e-mail contents and the invoice (if attached) are forwarded to the servers of Shop Analytics Ltd. for the purposes of statistical and consumption analysis within the consumer panel established by the owners.
Our Privacy Policy
The data collected is secured by appropriate measures and is only accessible to a limited number of people with special access to this data, in accordance with the duty of confidentiality.
The data is stored on secured AZURE servers that belong to Microsoft Cloud and on the secured servers of the owners and no third parties.
We do not initiate any commercial activities through the add-on.
We do not collect nor track any usage of the add-on - that includes searches, filters, tabs, windows, popup opens, etc. We do not collect nor track any websites, website usage, etc. Since we do not collect any information, we do not transfer any data to any third party servers.
We as Shop Analytics respect the client’s (“You”, “Your” or “User”) privacy and take protecting it seriously.
Google sign-in will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain personal information with us such as your email address, gmail labels, etc. The information you provide is held in strict confidence. We collect this information to identify if you email contains those emails to be used with Shop analytics and then "explain the features to be done for the user".
Our services use the Google OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication without requiring the user to share their login credentials with us. OAuth also allows secure access to the user’s data, as required by the add-ons, and the data resides strictly inside your Google account. We do not store any of your account data on our servers.
If your personal information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, you may delete or deactivate it by uninstalling our Google add-on.
Shop Analytics use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
Contact Us
We will do our best to handle inquiries in a timely manner.
Inquiries should be forwarded by e-mail to: Avraham_n@shopanalytics.online